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What is new on 4.0?

· 5 min read
Creator of NormalNvim

Some metrics

You can check the full diff on GitHub here.

New features

  • ✨feat(web): We now have a website for the distro.
  • ✨feat(installer): We now have an automated installer. See here.
  • ✨feat(yazi): New file manager as drop-in replacement for ranger. Written in rust and 100% async.
  • ✨feat(markdown): Files are now rendered on normal mode.
  • ✨feat(garbage-day.nvim): We now ship a plugin to pause LSP servers when you are not using them to save resources.
  • ✨feat(android support): This versions supports android termux, including the compiler, and the debugger.
  • ✨feat(compiler.nvim): improved support for gradle.
  • ✨feat(compiler.nvim/dooku.nvim/markmap.nvim): All the plugins we maintain now support paths with spaces.
  • ✨feat(nvim): Added support for nvim 0.10. All the plugins we maintain have been ported to nvim 0.10 too.
  • ⚡perf(greeter): Now open nvim considerably faster.
  • ⚡perf(plugins): Have been optimized to lazy load much more efficiently.
  • ⚡perf(treesitter): Comments are now natively supported.
  • ✨feat(none-ls-autoload.nvim): Is the new plugin we use instead of mason-null-ls to automatically load/unload none-ls sources installed on mason.
  • ✨feat(none-ls-external-sources.nvim): Is a combination of all the available repositories providing none-ls external sources.
  • ✨feat(none-ls) Support for cucumber gherkin added.
  • ✨feat(nvim-coverage): Now support hunks.
  • ✨feat(nvim-lightbulb): display a 💡 icon when a code action is available in the current line. It can be disabled with vim.g.codeactions_enabled = false in the file base/1-options.lua.
  • ✨(litee-calltree): is now available by pressing gj.
  • ✨feat(dooku.nvim): Now supports lua and ruby.
  • ✨feat(notifications): now display smoother (144fps) and last shorter (2.5s).
  • ✨feat(compiler.nvim): now support the build automation utility meson.
  • ⚡perf(ui): Now load instantly even when Neovim is opened with arguments.
  • ✨feat(ui): This version introduces a new winbar with buttons for neotree, aerial, and the compiler.
  • ✨feat(heirline-components.nvim): We now maintain a heirline components plugin to take complexity out of it.
  • ✨feat(compiler.nvim): Can now compile the swift programming language.
  • ✨feat(java): support for java has been greatly improved and all features now work out of the box.
  • ✨feat(php): has been curated and all features now work out of the box.
  • ✨feat(neotest): now support the languages dart, elixir, java, phpunit, zig.
  • ✨feat(virtualenv): We now display the active virtual environment on the status bar (if any).
  • ✨feat(mini.indentscope): is now used to highlight the current block of code.
  • ✨feat(compiler.nvim): can now compile elixir.
  • ✨feat(ufo): New keymapping zn to fold comments.
  • ✨feat(noice): The command bar is now beautified.
  • ✨feat(dap): The debugger now supports typescript, javascript, and react JSX.
  • ✨feat(mappings): new keymapping space + b + a to write all buffers.
  • ✨feat(notifications): Are now automatically dismissed when writing the buffer.
  • ✨feat(compiler.nvim v3): now ship a total of 128 compilation options for 22+ programming languages. This has been the product of 2+ months of full time effort, so please enjoy it.
  • ✨feat(right click contextual menu): We now ship it by default and can be customized in the autocmds file.
  • ✨feat(language support): 24+ progamming languages are now included out of the box with lsp, linter, formatter, compiler, and debugger, preconfigured. So you can just start coding without having to setup anything.

Minor fixes

  • 🐛fix(highlight-undo.nvim): config adapted to their latest version. Colors are now consistent.
  • 🐛fix(codelens): the mapping space + u + L now refreshes codelens when toggling it on.
  • 🐛fix(codelens): ocassional notification when resuming from garbage-day.nvim has been fixed here and here.
  • 🐛fix(lsp): This version fix rare border cases where LSP mappings were not added correctly (remarkably, on java).
  • 🐛fix(formatting): The mapping Space + l + f now run :checktime to reflect the changes in the editor immediately.
  • 🐛fix(aerial): Now open correctly even when the cursor is over Neotree (or any nofile buffer).
  • 🐛fix(compiler.nvim): the command :CompilerRedo now works correctly with build automation utilities.
  • 🐛fix(heirline-components) buffer.wipe now closes all sidebars before the last window is closed.
  • 🐛fix(markdown-preview.nvim): Starting this plugin by filetype is a requirement, so we do it now.
  • 🐛fix(osx): is not detected as android anymore
  • 🐛fix(json/yaml): now lint and format correctly.
  • 🐛fix(command autocomplete): The arrow keys are not inverted anymore when auto completing commands.
  • 🐛fix(mini.animate): is now disabled by default on android devices. This fixes slow scroll on android.

Minor refactors

This version has massive refactors over v3.0, reducing the amount of complexity without removing any feature.

  • ♻️refactor(base): Complexity has been reduced several thousands of lines without losing any feature, or hiding complexity.
  • ♻️refactor(base): All functions without a case of use strong enough have been replaced by native nvim functions.
  • ♻️refactor(distroupdate.nvim): Command names have been changed from the prefix :Nvim to the prefix :Distro.
  • ♻️refactor(nvim-ts-autopairs): Has been moved to 1-base-behaviors.lua.
  • ♻️refactor(better-scape): Updated to latest version. Removed unnecessary option. The author has rewritten the plugin from scratch.
  • ♻️refactor(autotag): Updated to latest version. Removed unnecessary option from treesitter.
  • ♻️refactor(space + f + t): won't display the builtin nvim themes anymore.
  • ♻️refactor(none-ls): Some packages have been deprecated and changed by new ones. See here.
  • ♻️refactor(zen_mode): is now under <space> + u + z, with all the other toggles.


This docusaurus website uses the MIT page of the Yazi project as initial template. We are gonna add our branding over time. Copyright (c) 2023 yazi-rs.