⌨️ Keymaps
These are the basic keybindings. Press Space to see all the key mappings.
Basic keymaps
Which key
You can show all key bindings by pressing Space
Opening files
- To open the file explorer press
Space + r
→ Close it withq
- To toggle the project tree press
Space + e
Close buffer
To close the current buffer press Space + c
Opening code tree
To toggle the code tree (aerial) press Space + i
Show diagnostics
To see line diagnostics press Space + lD
Find word in project
To find a word inside your project press Space + ff
Find and replace in buffer
To find and replace something in the current buffer press Space + fb
Find and replace in project
To find and replace something in the entire project press Space + fr
Find recent files
To find recent files press Space + fo
Code actions
To use code actions press Space + la
Git client
To open the git client press Space + gg
Navigate buffers
- To switch to the buffer on the left press
- To switch to the buffer on the right press
Navigate windows
To switch to another window press Ctrl + h/l/k/j
Resizing window
To resize a window press Ctrl + left/down/up/right
arrow keys
Code motions
- To
go to a posision of the visible screen
- To
go and comment
lines pressgcc
- To
go to definition
- To
go to reference
- To
go to call tree
- To
go to the lines where a variable is assigned
- To
go to help
set your cursor over something and pressgh
- To
go to man
→ To close man pressSpace + c
- To
go to file
set your cursor over a file path and pressgf
- To
go to the next change
pressctrl + o
- To
go to the previous change
pressctrl + i
Advanced keymaps
To run (or continue) the debugger press F5
To stop the debugger press Shift + F5
To insert a breakpoint press F9
To step → press F10
To step ← press Shift+F10
To step into press F11
To step out press Shift+F11
Opening compiler
To toggle the compiler press F6
To redo the last selected action Shift+F6
To toggle the compiler results press Shift + F7
Opening terminal
To toggle terminal press F7
Unit testing
- To run the unit test under the cursor press
Space T + u
- To run all units tests of the project press
Space + T + a
- To run e2e tests press
Space + T + e
Code documentation
Normally NormalNvim auto generates the code documentation of your project
- To open the documentation of your project press
Space + d + d
Markdown preview
- To preview a markdown file in the browser press
Space + D + p
- To preview a markdown file in the browser as a mental map press
Space + D + m